Tap. Smash. Rattle.


This eccentric black comedy tells the story of Doyle, a man with Hyperacusis, who is slowly driven mad by the cacophony of sounds from his neighbours through the walls of his home.


The pipe-smoking writer tapping on his typewriter, the constant whistling from below, the old lady who talks to her dead husband. And, of course, Valerie, the girl next door and love of his life.


Award-winning Hot Coals Productions return with a work-in-progress performance of a fully Deaf accessible comedy. Combining their signature style of visual story-telling and clown with spoken word and Creative Captions, Projection and Visual Foley, this will be a feast for the senses.


This project is supported by In Good Company and Arts Council England.


Morris Panych


Gabriella Leon


Clare Louise English

Jo Sargeant

Louise Wilcox

Set designer

Jo Sargeant

Sound designer

Chris Drohan & Hattie North

Lighting & captions designer

Amelia Hawkes

Production manager

Zara Janmohamed

Stage manager

Ana Carter


Yvonne Arnaud – 2, 3 & 4 November 2023

London (TBC) – 6 November 2023 

svgBoy Parts